logger2csv pulls records from a remote CampbellScientific data logger and creates a series of daily CSV files. The code is open source, freely available, and in the public domain.
logger2csv can be downloaded here.
% java -jar logger2csv-1.0.0.jar --help
java -jar gov.usgs.volcanes.logger2csv.Logger2csv [--help] [-c|--create-config]
[-p|--persistent] [-v|--verbose] []
I am the logger2csv server
Prints this help message.
Create an example config file in the curent working directory.
Run persistenly, periodically polling loggers.
Verbose logging.
The config file name. (default: logger2csv.config)
The log file contains more detail than is sent to STDERR. Even more verbose logging can be enabled by passing -Dlog4j.configuration=log4jDebug.properties
to the JVM at startup.
For questions, please contact Tom Parker (tparker@usgs.gov).