Case Studies Highlighting Impacts of Volcanic Ashfall, Gas & Vog

Case studies of past impacts and mitigation strategies for specific eruptions are given here. Sector specific information from these case studies also appear under their relevant topic headings (topics on the left).

Each case study begins with a brief overview discussing the size and volume of ash dispersed where known or approximated. Specific impact & mitigation information is organized into the following categories (where it is reported):

  • Agriculture – Plants & Animals – includes livestock, pastoral land, horticulture and forestry.
  • Health – direct and indirect from exposure.
  • Infrastructure – may be summarised or some or all of the following are detailed depending on complexity
    • Buildings
    • Equipment & Communications
    • Power supply
    • Transportation
    • Water & Wastewater
    • Cleanup & Disposal
  • Remobilization and coping with long-term ash – includes water and wind remobilised ash.
  • Eyewitness &ndash Accounts from eruptions where available.
  • Emergency management – monitoring, response during the eruption and recovery post eruption.

  • Please contact the Ash Web Team if you would like to contribute additional case study information. We are always looking for additional information.